Sinus Lift With Dental Implants

What Is a Sinus Lift Bone Graft?

A sinus lift is a type of bone graft that increases the height of bone in the top and back of the mouth. The sinus is frequently too low in this location, resulting in minimal bone height for implant placement. A sinus lift is a procedure where the lining of the air-filled area called a sinus is moved up or lifted to create space below. Dr. Wiland fills the space with a bone graft. The bone graft is replaced by real bone after healing.

Why Is a Sinus Lift Needed With Dental Implants?

A sinus lift is needed with dental implants to strengthen and support the implant. A sinus lift is needed to increase the height or width of the bone. Dental implants must be surrounded by strong, healthy bone to have a solid foundation. When there is a lack of bone around a dental implant, it will be weak and fail. A sinus lift procedure allows you to make bone that will hold and strengthen the implant.

How Is a Sinus Lift Bone Graft Completed?

The sinus is an air-filled space with a membrane, called the Schneiderian membrane, lining the space. The sinus membrane is lifted, and a bone graft is placed to hold it in position while is heals for about 6 months. There are some different techniques used to complete a sinus graft.

  1. Vertical Sinus Bone Grafting
  2. At the time the tooth is removed, the sinus can sometimes be lifted. Access to the membrane lining the sinus is achieved through the socket of the tooth. The sinus membrane is elevated with special instruments. A bone graft is placed to hold the sinus membrane in the correct position. Special barriers are used to cover the bone graft and socket where the tooth was removed.

    Sinus Lift Instrument
    Sinus Lift Bone Graft
    Sinus Lift Implant Placed

  3. Osseodensification With Versah Burs
  4. This technique is used when the top back teeth have been missing for a while. Special burs called Versah burs are used to compress bone and elevate the sinus membrane. A putty bone graft material, Novabone Putty, is injected into the site under the sinus membrane. This grafting putty holds the sinus membrane in place while healing occurs. Greater vertical augmentation is achieved by using this bone.1 This technique is frequently used when the implant is placed shortening treatment time. Osseodensification is perfect when only a few millimeters of additional bone height are needed. This is the least invasive method.

  5. Lateral Wall Sinus Grafting
  6. When a large amount of bone height is needed, then a lateral wall entry is used. Access to the sinus membrane is gained by making a small window or opening from the side. The sinus membrane is lifted, and a bone graft is placed under the sinus membrane. It is more invasive but gives the most amount of bone height.

    Sinus Graft Entry
    Sinus Graft Implant Placed
    Sinus Graft Entry
    Sinus Graft Implant Placed

How Long Does a Sinus Lift Heal Before the Implant Is Placed?

The healing time is usually 3-6 months. It can be longer in some situations. If you smoke after a sinus lift, you increase the chances of an infection in the bone graft. Keeping the area clean is also essential for proper healing.

1. Rodrigo Neiva ; Bruna Tanello ; Wagner Duarte ; Fred Silva. “Osseodensification crestal sinus floor elevation with or without synthetic and resorbable calcium phosphosilicate putty “. Clin Oral Impl Res. 2018;29(Suppl. 17)

Schedule an appointment today at a convenient location near you in central Indiana. Bone grafting and dental implants are available with sedation and easy payment plans.